Sunday, October 31, 2004

Your blog addresses!

Your classmates' (English 9) blogs are listed on the sidebar (to the right!) -- if your name is not on this list, it means you sent me nothing or the wrong address. You can click comments on this post if you still need to tell me where your blog is, or want to tell me about a name change. If I can't find your blog, I can't assign marks!

Monday, October 18, 2004

English students!

Welcome to your new blog for English 9 -- the "Thielmann's Blog" , site will (hopefully) direct you here!

We'll use this address for "English class" posts and comments now, but you can still see your old ones and get new info at -- each blog has its purpose! Your next blog task involves making sure you have three posts on your own blog:

1. Unit 2 "Portfolio" Summary (200 or more words will probably be needed -- be sure to include an update on the novel or book you are reading; 20 marks)

2. Short Shory (copy and paste it from your word processing file -- you may have to make a few formatting edits; 10 marks)

3. Vignettes of Travel response using your questions as a starting point (100-150 words should be adequate; 10 marks)

The due date for all three posts is Monday, Oct. 25th